Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June. Download Download Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Rotate quotes act create follow
Success is often the result of taking a misstep in the right direction. Al Bernstein directionmisstepresult Change image and share on social
To the victor belong the responsibilities. Al Bernstein belongresponsibilityvictor Change image and share on social
Though builders may build, in the main they follow the plans of architects. Teachers teach, but they must have a text. Politicians govern, but only upon the flow of commentary that raises them up or casts them down. Mark Helprin architectbuildbuilder share on social
If every time you engage in a sex act, you go into a confession box, you will never accept your own sexuality. George Weinberg acceptactbox Change image and share on social
We define ourselves as intelligent. That's odd, because we're doing the definition - We're creating our own definition and saying, 'We are intelligent!' Neil deGrasse Tyson createdefinedefinition Change image and share on social