It will be a war of national liberation. We believe the people reject totalitarianism. Ahmed Chalabi liberationnationalpeople Change image and share on social
You know the most important thing the Americans did for Iraq apart from liberating the country from Saddam was helping Iraq reduce its debt. The United States worked very hard to reduce 80 percent of Iraqi debt. Ahmed Chalabi americancountrydebt share on social
The Americans stabbed in the back the forces that worked to bring about the collapse of Saddam's regime and wanted to keep Iraq a sovereign country. Ahmed Chalabi americanbackbring Change image and share on social
The battle against terrorism is not only a military fight but primarily a battle of information. Ahmed Chalabi battlefightinformation Change image and share on social
It's customary when great events happen that the U.S. punishes its friends and rewards its enemies. Ahmed Chalabi customaryenemyevent Change image and share on social
Are Iraqis ready to carry the responsibility for their country? Is Iraq ready to be its own master? We want to be the masters of ourselves and to carry our responsibilities in this region. Ahmed Chalabi carrycountryiraq Change image and share on social
The issue of what my role in the - in persuading the Bush administration to go to war has been greatly exaggerated. Ahmed Chalabi administrationbushexaggerate Change image and share on social
All Iraqis can unite to defeat terrorism and can unite to rebuild the country. Ahmed Chalabi countrydefeatiraqi Change image and share on social
Sectarian politics gets votes in Iraq. But sectarian government fails in Iraq. Ahmed Chalabi failgovernmentiraq Change image and share on social
I call on the international community to be fair to the Iraqi people. My position is that we respect international resolutions but in return demand justice and accountability for those who stole Iraq's money. Ahmed Chalabi accountabilitycallcommunity share on social