I shall not grow conservative with age. Elizabeth Cady Stanton ageconservativegrow Change image and share on social
I began to understand my sensations, to know what I wanted, at around the age of forty - but only vaguely. Camille Pissarro agebeginforty Change image and share on social
If I could have gone on describing to you the beauties of this region, who knows but I might have made a fine addition to the literature of our age? Robert Gould Shaw additionagebeauty Change image and share on social
In youth we run into difficulties. In old age difficulties run into us. Beverly Sills agedifficultyrun Change image and share on social
I asked Fred Astaire once when he was about my age if he still danced, and he said 'Yes, but it hurts now.' That's exactly it. I can still dance, too, but it hurts now! Dick Van Dyke ageaskastaire Change image and share on social
It's disturbing at my age to look at a young woman's destructive behaviour and hear the echoes of it, of one's own destructiveness in youth. Helen Garner agebehaviourdestructive Change image and share on social
It's every woman's tragedy, that, after a certain age, she looks like a female impersonator. Mind you, we've known some lovely female impersonators, in our time. Angela Carter agefemalehave Change image and share on social
With age comes the understanding and appreciation of your most important asset, your health. Oprah Winfrey ageappreciationasset Change image and share on social
I was named after my Jewish grandfather who left Poland early in the 20th century. What I knew from an early age was that he had lived most of his life in England, his Jewish wife had died, and he married a non-Jewish woman who was my grandmother. Morris Gleitzman 20thagecentury share on social
Let age, not envy, draw wrinkles on thy cheeks. Thomas Browne agecheekdraw Change image and share on social