I'd say James Dean is someone that's really inspired me. Just the fact that he did only three movies before he died at such a young age, and yet everyone knows who he is. It really blows my mind. Tye Sheridan ageblowdean Change image and share on social
I was equally in love with singing and acting from an early age. Minnie Driver actageearly Change image and share on social
It's funny looking at yourself. You know how it is when you look back at old pictures? It's just funny looking back at yourself walking and talking at age 14. Jennifer Connelly agebackfunny Change image and share on social
Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age - as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight. Phyllis Diller agebeautyeyesight Change image and share on social
I would have loved to have been a footballer like my great uncle Matt Busby, but I knew quite early on that I wasn't going to make the grade. Luckily I was told by the age of 13 that I wasn't good enough. That's not a bad thing. You see this 'X Factor' generation of kids now who don't accept that they're not good enough. Brendan Coyle acceptagebad share on social
I'm self-deprecating, but I'm an artist, too. I have to write new songs to chronicle stuff for myself. I write a song like 'Middle Age' or 'Responsibility' or 'I Just Work Here,' and it's about how bleak life can be. But it's real. Steve Forbert ageartistbleak share on social
I would love to act. I probably won't make it to Hollywood at 42 years of age, but I'd love to act. Richard Hammond actagehollywood Change image and share on social
This may sound strange, but at a very early age, at around 3, I was aware that I was smarter than the other kids. Lois Lowry ageawareearly Change image and share on social
It's ridiculous to imagine you can stay young forever and live forever. It's taking away from young people. There's a beauty and respect in age. Magazines and media are disrespectful of age. Jerry Hall agebeautydisrespectful Change image and share on social
I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and from an early age was interested in technology and engineering. Mike Krieger agebearbrazil Change image and share on social