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Whether or not people go into space or - Whether the process proves to be Kyoto or
Whether the Sikhs want to worship in Wisconsin - Whether you are a genius or an idiot,
Whether you are a low-income elderly woman - Whether you're a mafia guy or in
Whether you're a mechanic or you build - Whether you want to or not, you do
Whether you were talking about Pillsbury, Burger King, - While a defeat for Obamacare in the Court
While a handful of countries and a small - While books expand horizons by exposing us to
While books provided me with some escape from - While experiencing happiness, we have difficulty in being
While F.D.R. once told Americans that - While I am grateful for the friendships and
While I am impulsive in many areas of - While I have served in public office for
While I have some regrets that this is - While I shared many of the same emotions
While I sign off on trades or free - While I was into many different types of
While I was making 'Coraline' I barely got - While it may be true that the best
While it may be true that the UAE - While many technological measures can be taken to
While markets are supposed to ensure transparency by - While Obama, the olive-branch poseur, has called
While on the space station, I kept up - While religious tolerance is surely better than religious
While Republican voters have remained universally supportive of - While television is a good servant, it's
While that amendment failed, human cloning continues to - While the political debate over abortion will continue
While the President leads his potential adversaries in - While there continues to be differences, the important
While there have been terrific advances in the - While we are making up our minds as
While we are postponing, life speeds b - While women certainly have made great strides toward
While women may look different, as some wear - White actors still get way more money in
'White America' is a syndicate arrayed to protect - White sharks and tuna travel for thousands of
White supremacy is not just a social arrangement: - Who buys French cars? Not m
Who can be against progress, after all? But - Who do I think was the greatest? This
Who do you call a civilian in a - Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor
Who has sent you against me? Who has - Who is the ideal reader? God only know
Who is the most sensible person? The one - Who naught suspects is easily deceived
Who needs a bullet piercing, armor piercing bullet - Who's to say where funny stops and
Who's to say who's an expert - Who was the first person to fly across
Who was the real Hitchcock? I interviewed him - Whoever conquers a free town and does not
Whoever controls the media, controls the min - Whoever lives among many evils just as I,
Whoever lives in Berlin note, and doesn't - Whoever will be free must make himself free.
Whoever wishes peace among peoples must fight statism - Why are empirical questions about how the mind
Why are fanatics so terrified of girls' education? - Why can't all different types of women
Why can't death - if we must have - Why did the earthquake and tsunami occur in
Why did the Soviet Union disintegrate? Why did - Why do people do things that they fear?
Why do people embrace God? In my opinion, - Why do we pigeonhole and label an artist?
Why do we read biography? Why do we - Why does the past seem so magical, so
Why does the world dislike Russia? I do - Why has it seemed that the only way
Why has not anyone seen that fossils alone - Why is it men are permitted to be
Why is it not just as likely that - Why is Slavery so much condemn'd and
Why is the King of Hearts the only - Why not try thinking of your life as
Why not upset the apple cart? If you - Why should I have to say bye to
Why should I limit myself to only one - Why shouldn't I be confident? I'm
Why shouldn't I fly from New York - Why would anyone steal a shopping cart? It's
Why would anyone walk through life satisfied with - Wicked thoughts and worthless efforts gradually set their
Wickedness is its own punishment - 'Wild at Heart' created a set of expectations
Wild at Heart made a few people angry-they - Will isn't a screaming queen - that's
Will it, and set to work briskl - William James was not a prophet. He was
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