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What's funny is I probably still have - What's great is that I keep hearing
What's great is that starting a blog - What's incredible about 'Hamilton,' and the reason
What's interesting about architects is, we always - What's more important-your goal, or others'
What's more ludicrous is the whole idea - What's really good is African drum music
What's really great about Buddhism is its - What's so touching is the way we
What's so valuable about HBO is they - What's the point of staying sober
What's the problem with 'never?' It keeps - What saves a man is to take a
What scared me in that debate is that - What society doesn't realize is that in
What some call health, if purchased by perpetual - What teens will realize is always a mystery
What television gets to do, and there's - What the global delivery model allows is, it
What the government has to do, if it - What the Pope thinks of being gay does
What the power structure is afraid of is - What the world requires of the Christians is
What theatre started to look at much earlier - What to do when inspiration doesn't come;
What to the Slave is the 4th of - What was always interesting about Thomas Harris' books
What was bizarre, when I was younger, - What we all like in life, I think,
What we all want is public safety. We - What we call the secret of happiness is
What we call the 'world' and the 'universe' - What we don't have a right to
What we don't need in country music - What we have to get clear to kids
What we have to remember is we want - What we need is more women writers, writing
What we need is much more flexibility for - What we're doing is fun - if you
What we're doing is making sure that - What we truly and earnestly aspire to be,
What we try to do at Disney and - What we women need to do, instead of
What we won't become is a 'Democratic - What would a loss of confidence in the
What would air travel look like if airplanes - What you believe, what you value, how you
What you can do is a matter of - What you feel is important may not be
What you feel spiritually. I think a lot - What you lose in blindness is the space
What you make up in your heads sticks - What you see on stage is pretty much
What you see on the campaign trail is - Whatever can be noted historically can be found
Whatever causes you to drop your plan forward - Whatever happened to a good pie-in-the-face
Whatever happened to a sense of idealism and - Whatever I lack in talent I have in
Whatever I learned reading 'Scientific American,' nothing can - Whatever it is that I am working on
Whatever it is that I feel, I express - Whatever one considers art to be, there is
Whatever one of us blames in another, each - Whatever that means, however you got on that
Whatever that thing is that white people like - Whatever title you want to lay on me
Whatever vocation you decide on, track down the - Whatever you have a passion for, then you
Whatever you hold onto that you want to - WhatsApp is both disrupting and demonetizing the entire
WhatsApp only wanted to focus on how current - When a character bears the same name as
When a character does something appalling but you - When a dish really hits a nerve with
When a dish works, it works for everyone, - When a human being becomes a set of
When a human being becomes so still that - When a man interrupts a woman in mid-sentence,
When a man is asked to make a - When a man wants to relax, he will
When a marriage culture fails, sexual desire no - When a person becomes a legend, the very
When a person becomes satisfied, he doesn't - When a president promises something beyond his years
When a product is made, everyone hopes for - When a thing is not worth overdoing, leave
When a thing is said to be not - When a writer tries to copy another writer,
When a young artist is ready, one has - When all else is lost, the future still
When all is lost, ask the I.R.S. - When an acquaintance goes by I often step
When an actor asks you to read his - When antibiotics became industrially produced following World War
When antibiotics first came out, nobody could have - When asked if I miss being in government,
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