Show business has been really, really good to me because I can work and take a lot of time off, and I'm extremely undisciplined person. Meryl Streep businessextremelygood Change image and share on social
Television is so dictated by time constraints that you have to make quick decisions and go with them. Ted Shackelford constraintdecisiondictate Change image and share on social
It may take time to prove you're right, but you have to stick to it. Fred Korematsu provesticktime Change image and share on social
Directing is too hard, it takes too much time, and it doesn't pay very well. Harrison Ford directhardpay Change image and share on social
The first time I had a baked potato, I was eight years old at a friend's house. Most white kids growing up have a baked potato every day. I didn't even know what to do with it, how to open it. I was the only white kid in high school eating octopus. Scott Fujita bakedayeat share on social
People say to me all the time, 'You have no fear.' I tell them, 'No, that's not true. I'm scared all the time. You have to have fear in order to have courage. I'm a courageous person because I'm a scared person.' Ronda Rousey couragecourageousfear share on social
Having spent almost two decades setting up and running Fortis, our mission of saving and enriching lives is an integral part of my being. Over time, this has inspired me to do more direct service and give back to society a little of what I have received in abundance. Shivinder Mohan Singh abundancebackdecade share on social
My favorite type of music to sing and to listen to, you know, rock. It's not always metal, but you know, half the time it is. Metal's cool, you know? Not everybody on 'American Idol' listens to metal. James Durbin americancoolfavorite Change image and share on social
We spend more time at cinemas, theaters, art galleries and theme parks than we do at churches, and they have become our new cathedrals. We can spend hours at any of these places of entertainment but if church service goes on too long we get impatient. Michael Huffington artcathedralchurch share on social
You'd have to spend a lot of time with me before I'd be comfortable enough to show my dark side. Julianne Moore comfortabledarklot Change image and share on social