There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time. Malcolm X adversitydefeatheartbreak Change image and share on social
I do miss Glasgow but Malibu is home now. I love it here and when I do go back to Scotland it takes me a bit of time to acclimatise. I am a spoilt so-and-so. I live in the mountains of Malibu in the most gorgeous house and I phone my mum every day and tell her that I have got bad news - that it is only 70 degrees here. Tommy Flanagan acclimatisebackbad share on social
A book can be wonderful and powerful and accessible and artful all at the same time. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni accessibleartfulbook Change image and share on social
Even if your parents don't have Alzheimer's or aren't in a wheelchair, your parents get old - if you're lucky to have parents who live for a long time. It's a challenge, and it's difficult and lovely and touching and awful and ghastly and real. Gemma Jones alzheimerawfulchallenge share on social
Any acceleration constitutes progress, Miss Glory. Nature had no understanding of the modern rate of work. From a technical standpoint the whole of childhood is pure nonsense. Simply wasted time. An untenable waste of time. Karel Capek accelerationchildhoodconstitute share on social
I'm pretty good at gardening. It consumes my time, and it feels like I'm doing something constructive. Simon Baker constructiveconsumefelt Change image and share on social
There's not enough time to be disrespecting... Life is too short. Mary J. Blige disrespectlifeshort Change image and share on social
I spent a long time working in restaurants and making no money. It was very character-building, but I think it could have been built in a shorter time. Graham Norton buildcharacterlong Change image and share on social
Since women ask me about male motives all the time, I can offer a bit of advice. If you feel like you're going to get hurt then you shouldn't be there in the first place. That's the way I look at relationships. Chris Noth advicebitefeel share on social
As far as people I'd like to work with, the list is endless. I think to work with Steve McQueen would be amazing, and then some of the U.K. talent we have: Eddie Marsan, Olivia Colman, both of whom I have met and admired for a long time. We're very blessed in this country; there is so much talent for people to work with and learn from. James Norton admireamazebless share on social