Literature exists at the same time in the modes of error and truth; it both betrays and obeys its own mode of being. Paul de Man betrayerrorexist Change image and share on social
I never skipped a meal. I can't even recall a time when I've skipped a meal. I never understand when people say 'I'm so busy, I forgot to eat today.' It's never happened. I always find time! Nikki Reed busyeatfind Change image and share on social
But a city is more than a place in space, it is a drama in time. Patrick Geddes citydramaplace Change image and share on social
I am disappointed that my 25 years in public life have apparently not earned me the benefit of the doubt, but I understand that Senator Mitchell's report has raised many serious questions. I plan to publicly answer all of those questions at the appropriate time in the appropriate way. I only ask that in the meantime people not rush to judgment. Roger Clemens answerapparentlybenefit share on social
I'm knackered. I'm knackered all the time. My stupid, tiny children wake me up at 5:48 A.M. every single morning. Robert Webb childknackermorning Change image and share on social
I'm a good dad and a fair husband and I work quite a bit. That takes up a fair amount of time. John Schneider amountbitedad Change image and share on social
Before I start, I trick myself into thinking I know what's going to happen in the story, but the characters have ideas of their own, and I always go with the character's choices. Most of the time I discover plot twists and directions that are better than what I originally had planned. Neal Shusterman characterchoicedirection share on social
I love writing music, but it seems I'm always writing words, so I don't get much time to do it. Neal Shusterman lovemusictime Change image and share on social
The spiritual element, the really important part of religion, has no concern with Time and Space, temporary mundane laws, or conduct. Richard Le Gallienne concernconductelement Change image and share on social
I don't ever recall having a political argument with Bob Grant. I've known him a long time. I've always liked him. Mario Cuomo argumentbobgrant Change image and share on social