I will drive flat out all the time. I love racing. Gilles Villeneuve driveflatlove Change image and share on social
Kristin Bauer is so funny. Half the time I'm working with her I'm just trying to keep a straight face. Rutina Wesley bauerfacefunny Change image and share on social
After I directed for the first time, I wanted to call every director I'd ever worked with and apologize. In television you are tasked with shooting 42 minutes, or whatever, in eight days. That's not a lot of time. Michelle MacLaren apologizecallday share on social
The problem with Myspace was always that it was never as strong a product as it needed to be. It left itself vulnerable to competition. It was only a matter of time before someone created something better. Michael Birch competitioncreateleave share on social
Because kids are physically smaller, there's an assumption by people who haven't read a kids' book for a long time that their ideas and themes and problems and ambitions must be commensurately smaller and less important. I would venture that sometimes the opposite is true. Morris Gleitzman ambitionassumptionbook share on social
The film was made in 1973. It was a golden time for people to experiment without risking, for example, AIDS. Today one has to be so much more careful and I don't think a character like that could exist now. Sylvia Kristel aidcarefulcharacter share on social
I grew up watching 'Grease,' and 'Grease 2.' I fantasized about walking through school halls and busting out in a song. At that time, I was too much of a chicken to do so. I'd love the challenge now. J. D. Pardo bustchallengechicken Change image and share on social
As a kid, I had a Beatles poster and a Bela Lugosi as Dracula poster, so both worlds always appealed to me. Horror allows you to do things as a composer than you're able to do in no other style of movie. The music has to be aggressive. You can't tiptoe around. It has to be incredibly focused dramatically - no time for second thoughts. Christopher Young aggressiveappealbeatles share on social
My wife and I always comment that our lives are relatively mundane. She's a writer as well, I'm a writer, we spend most of our time writing, and kind of going to yoga in Brooklyn. Mike Birbiglia brooklyncommentkind Change image and share on social
One of the greatest gifts in life is giving time and giving love. It helps me to stay grateful and happy. Claire Holt giftgivegrateful Change image and share on social