When you're seventeen to early twenties, that's the time you're trying to work out who you are. If you're trying to make some kind of artistic or creative impact, that's the age when you start to figure out how to do that. Daniel Radcliffe ageartisticcreative share on social
I was reading The Bible a lot through my 20s, mostly the Old Testament, just because I was knocked out by the language and the stories. I felt that the God being talked about there, who was this insane, vindictive patriarch - it was kind of thrilling, and titillated something in me at the time. Nick Cave 20sbiblefelt share on social
Also, right at that particular time in the music business, because of people like the Beatles, people began owning their own publishing. I'll just say this really quickly - they used to divide the money for the music that was written in two, just equal halves. Jackson Browne beatlesbeginbusiness share on social
I'm not a fan of fillers at all. If you've gone 35 or 40 years without big lips, I don't think it's time to start plumping them up artificially. Cindy Crawford artificiallybigfan Change image and share on social
L.A. is such a big city, and there's so much going on. I mean, you know you're in L.A. when you can just hear sirens all the time. Cassie Steele bigcityhear Change image and share on social
Silence is as deep as eternity, speech a shallow as time. Thomas Carlyle deepeternityshallow Change image and share on social
I've had a good time here in baseball. I love baseball. That's why I'm still around. Red Schoendienst baseballgoodhave Change image and share on social
Time, which alone makes the reputation of men, ends by making their defects respectable. Voltaire defectendmake Change image and share on social
When I wrote 'The Interestings,' I wanted to let time unspool, to give the book the feeling of time passing. I had to allow myself the freedom to move back and forth in time freely, and to trust that readers would accept this. Meg Wolitzer acceptbackbook share on social
The older I get, the more I appreciate my rural childhood. I spent a lot of time outdoors, unsupervised, which is a blessing. Barbara Kingsolver blesschildhoodlot Change image and share on social