I think anyone that's in the same building or the same place for a really long period of time, some parts of it become routine. Scott Kelly buildlongpart Change image and share on social
Leaving the space station was bittersweet - I had been there for a long time and looked forward to leaving, but it is a remarkable place. Scott Kelly bittersweetforwardleave Change image and share on social
Working on 'Malibu Country' with Reba McEntire is truly a gift. She is one of the nicest people that I have ever had a the pleasure to be around. She is so professional and always on time and has it together. It really is a joy to be around her. Sara Rue countrygiftjoy share on social
The one I was driving for at the time, Nissan, they pulled out after they won the championship, because it was costing millions of pounds to do a national championship and ok, that might be ok when you're doing an international championship, but not for a national one. David Leslie championshipcostdrive share on social
It helps to know from a very early age what you want to do. From the time I was five years old, I wanted to be a writer, even though I couldn't even read. It was mainly because I thought of my father as a writer. Tom Wolfe ageearlyfather share on social
The music that I make is built on layers upon layers of musical ideas. I want to keep it fun and fresh to where listeners won't get everything from just one listen. They can go back to it months, weeks, or even years later and hear something that they didn't ever hear before. That's what it's all about. Big Boi backbuildfresh share on social
I started my YouTube channel when I was 13. At the time, I was being bullied by a few people who I used to be very close to. I felt very alone and unmotivated. After discovering the beauty community, I decided it would be a great way to express myself and use it as an outlet to be who I am. Bethany Mota beautybullychannel share on social
I travel often, which can make maintaining a workout schedule a little difficult, but I try to make time for it whenever I can. Sometimes I wake up extra early so I can fit in a run or a bike ride, and other days I'll just blast music and jump around or watch a 30-minute exercise video. Bethany Mota bikeblastday share on social
We are, of course, now against any other group burning Qurans. We would right now ask no one to burn Qurans. We are absolutely strong on that. It is not the time to do it. Terry Jones absolutelyburngroup Change image and share on social
From the time that I can remember, I worked to make money - either baby-sitting, or one year wrapping gifts at a department store at Christmas, so I could have my own money. Christie Hefner babychristmasdepartment Change image and share on social