The most important thing with children is to give them your time. Actually, that's all that matters. Monica Bellucci childgiveimportant Change image and share on social
We had a moment in the '40s and '50s, where female characters were very strong in film, where these incredible roles were written for women like Joan Crawford, like Bette Davis. But then there was a space of time where - I don't know why - it wasn't like that. It became difficult for women to find certain roles after a certain age. Monica Bellucci 40s50sage share on social
A lot of the stuff you do as an actor - or I do, because I can't speak for everyone - is not always consciously thought out. A lot of the time, for me, it's actually just feeling stuff, and it happens all in the moment and your body reacts. Henry Cavill actorbodyconsciously share on social
At boarding school there wasn't much time for much of anything except education. Henry Cavill boardeducationschool Change image and share on social
It's been said of me that I must get out of bed every morning and go cartwheeling down the road. Of course it's not true. There certainly was a time in my 20s when I wanted a bit of freedom, and I found that difficult, but if I'm ever having a time when I'm feeling sorry for myself, something always jolts me back. Bonnie Langford 20sbackbed share on social
I have my 1973 Citroen DS 23 Pallas. I drive it all the time. It's still the most beautiful shape in the world. Brian Johnson beautifulcitroendrive Change image and share on social
Where I lived, it was a cold mining place, a village called Dunston. The only time you saw a Rolls-Royce was when somebody died. Brian Johnson callcolddie Change image and share on social
Once upon a time, my mother lived in the posh downtown of Homs, Syria. She described my grandfather as a king in a storybook, atop a horse, wearing a didashah and pointing a long arm. Mona Simpson armatopdidashah Change image and share on social
It's a different thing to write a love story now than in the time of Jane Austen, Eliot, or Tolstoy. One of the problems is that once divorce is possible, once break-ups are possible, it can all become a little less momentous. Mona Simpson austenbreakdivorce share on social
Never in my life have I been captivated by by anybody onscreen the way I was when I saw Audrey Hepburn for the first time. She's everything a woman should be. Jennifer Love Hewitt audreycaptivatehepburn Change image and share on social