I'd always had a hankering to write some old-school sword and sorcery. And there certainly are advantages to that particular form - for one thing, you're able to go all-out on the imaginative front, with a lot less concern for the usual unities of time and space and character. Richard K. Morgan advantagecharacterconcern share on social
I guess if I was made responsible for every single line of dialogue in a game and every single piece of textual visual detail, every sign or piece of graffiti, then yes, I think that would be comparable to the time and effort required to write a very long novel, indeed. Richard K. Morgan comparabledetaildialogue share on social
For me, a good friend is someone you might only see once or twice a year but each time it feels as though you've just seen them last week. James Herbert feltfriendgood Change image and share on social
You can't party all the time - especially in January! Neon Hitch januarypartytime Change image and share on social
I'm out here to represent the gingers, the gypsies, and the outcasts. Because I am all of the above, and I'm all about having a great time. Neon Hitch gingergreatgypsy Change image and share on social
Through time and dedication, we will make it okay to be a proud Democrat in the South once again. Ronnie Musgrove dedicationdemocratmake Change image and share on social
There was definitely a time where I did not believe in the Lord. I needed to understand the love of God. Tasha Smith godlordlove Change image and share on social
I love picture books - with picture books, you can use words and pictures as a double act, even tell two different versions of a story at the same time. Mini Grey actbookdouble Change image and share on social
What I want to happen is to be really creative, and to play something new in the improvisations, every time. Dave Brubeck creativehappenimprovisation Change image and share on social
Gay writers now have both a sense of history and the fables that allows them to dwell in the realms of the ridiculous and at the same time talk seriously about things. Tony Kushner dwellfablegay Change image and share on social