Being on the move all the time is draining, but the rewards make up for it. David Soul drainmakemove Change image and share on social
When I'm on stage, I get real happy there. Maybe that's the only time in my adult life I feel like myself. Dave Chappelle adultfeelhappy Change image and share on social
On average, drug prisoners spend more time in federal prison than rapists, who often get out on early release because of the overcrowding in prison caused by the Drug War. Michael Badnarik averagecausedrug Change image and share on social
My inventing time is all done under the influence of aerobic exercise. Basically, I do all my thinking while I run. Justin Cronin aerobicbasicallyexercise Change image and share on social
There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time as come. Victor Hugo armyideastrong Change image and share on social
All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo forceideapowerful Change image and share on social
We are people in circumstances who make choices that we think are right at the time. Joel Edgerton choicecircumstancemake Change image and share on social
To get a movie star, you have to give them two hours of screen time. Patricia Riggen givehourmovie Change image and share on social
I sang all the time, and finally, my mother looked at me and said: 'I have a friend in New York who gives singing lessons. If she says you can sing, you can take lessons. If you can't sing, I never want you to open your mouth again as long as you live.' Marcia Strassman finallyfriendlesson share on social
I haven't had television since 1991, and it definitely influences me. As a child of the 1970s, I couldn't hold a narrative in my head; I was lucky if I could hold a joke in my head, because every time you turn on television or radio, it wipes the slate clean - at least in my case. Chuck Palahniuk 1970scasechild share on social