One of the finest statesmen of the present time is also a first-class scout, and that is Mr. Roosevelt, the late President of the United States of America. Robert Baden-Powell americaclassfine Change image and share on social
The very fact that doctrine is hewn from bitter controversy and tested through time is sufficient reason to make them a focus of theology. Stanley Hauerwas bittercontroversydoctrine Change image and share on social
One time, just passing by, I happened to see Jack White from the White Stripes. I'm a huge White Stripes fan, and I did a whole 180. It was like my jaw hit the ground. Reid Scott fangrindhappen Change image and share on social
People are spending way too much time thinking about climate change, way too little thinking about AI. Peter Thiel changeclimatepeople Change image and share on social
I suspect if people live a lot longer they would be retired for a somewhat longer period of time. Just the financial planning takes on a very different character. Peter Thiel characterfinanciallive Change image and share on social
As an undergraduate at Stanford, I started 'The Stanford Review,' which ended up being very engaged in the hot debates of the time: campus speech codes, questions about diversity on campus, all sorts of debates like that. Peter Thiel campuscodedebate share on social
Banks now want you to pay for face time, as more institutions charge fees for what was once the ritual for withdrawing and depositing your money: interacting with a teller. Kayla Tausche bankchargedeposit Change image and share on social
My sister was drowning in the ocean once, and my brother and I dove in and saved her. True story. She owes us her life. It's great leverage; we abuse it all the time! Matt Barr abusebrotherdive Change image and share on social
I'm really low maintenance when it comes to my clothes and what I wear. I definitely take care of my body, not so much for how I look, but I just like the feel of exercising and being healthy and having energy. That's why I work out all the time. Matt Barr bodycareclothe share on social
One of the best things - and something I'm grateful for every time I walk onto a film set - is my six and a half years on Dawson's Creek and the experience it afforded me in how to get comfortable with the camera. Michelle Williams affordcameracomfortable share on social