When I was 19 and dropped out of college for several months, I lived for some time with my grandmother. Karen Bender collegedropgrandmother Change image and share on social
You sit at your computer for hours, then slave away at your job that you may or may not like. You don't know how to explain to them that the time when you feel alive or present is when you are writing. Karen Bender alivecomputerexplain share on social
It's a new skill to have two children that want you at the same time. Mariska Hargitay childskilltime Change image and share on social
I'm just happy I got a hole-in-one for the first time in my life. Joe Sakic happyholelife Change image and share on social
I always said to myself that if I thought I slipped and could not be the player that I want to be, then it was time for me to go. Joe Sakic playerslipthink Change image and share on social
I wanted to be famous. It's embarrassing to admit, but I came out to L.A. thinking it would happen in no time. I thought, 'Once they see me, they'll be so glad I came.' I always had a ridiculous amount of self-confidence about what was going to happen to me. Chelsea Handler admitamountconfidence share on social
Ralph Reed is deeply ambitious and always was so. There was a time when he... in one of my interviews, he said he pondered running the Ross Perot campaign, and he wasn't sure he wanted to do the Christian Right thing; he was worried that it boxed him into a corner. Nina Easton ambitiousboxcampaign share on social
Each work seems to give me the most trouble at the time I'm working on it. Chaim Potok givetimetrouble Change image and share on social
I like the idea of people coming to opera for the first time and finding it an enjoyable experience. I don't like the fact that opera is seen as elitist and all black ties and that stuff. Rory Bremner blackcomeelitist Change image and share on social
There's no time for boys in my life right now. Karlie Kloss boylifetime Change image and share on social