In the early days of eBay, I articulated for the very first time this belief that people are basically good. Pierre Omidyar articulatebasicallybelief Change image and share on social
I'm just there to do interviews and stuff, because we have about 40 media people there, so it's a very, very busy week. But that's the only time. I did marry, I think on one show, about 25 couples in Acapulco Bay once, but that was all just for kicks. Gavin MacLeod acapulcobaybusy share on social
Congress seems drugged and inert most of the time... its idea of meeting a problem is to hold hearings or, in extreme cases, to appoint a commission. Shirley Chisholm appointcasecommission Change image and share on social
My mom calls me an older soul because, growing up, she taught me stuff real early. Now I spend most of my time chasing wisdom, chasing understanding. Ray Lewis callchaseearly Change image and share on social
You got to be willing to walk in a storm. That's what I tell people all the time. Ray Lewis peoplestormtime Change image and share on social
Celebs says we have no time for love, but I wouldn't say that. Randeep Hooda celeblovetime Change image and share on social
At no time I have used the resources of my office to facilitate a relationship of any type. Robert J. Bentley facilitateofficerelationship Change image and share on social
They only have to be right one time, the terrorists do, and we have to be wrong one time. Robert J. Bentley terroristtimewrong Change image and share on social
Some of the best times in my life happened under the influence of drugs... I'd still be doing it if I could make good judgement calls. I'd still be doing it if I didn't blow up to the size of an aircraft hangar, because it was a great time. Robbie Williams aircraftblowcall share on social
January 14, 2000, was my first time on stage, and I've been hooked ever since. I got discovered nationally in Seattle by the now-defunct HBO Comedy Festival, and that led to an appearance on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' and a path to a professional comedy career. Hari Kondabolu appearancecareercomedy share on social