One of the most pervasive political visions of our time is the vision of liberals as compassionate and conservatives as less caring. Thomas Sowell carecompassionateconservative Change image and share on social
I'd done my time in corporate America, from McDonald's making shakes to Morgan Stanley making deals and, yet, I felt awfully constrained by the uniform - not just my clothes, but how I felt I needed to conform - that a traditional job required me to wear. Chip Conley americaclotheconform share on social
Whenever I organize or participate in public protest I get really worried that it will just suck, be really small, embarrassing, and the media will laugh at me. Oftentimes, it is really small and most of the time the media laughs at us. Rachel Corrie embarrasslaughmedium share on social
'Middle school' is used as shorthand for a time when things change. It's a time a lot of kids feel like they don't even have one good friend. Rebecca Stead changefeelfriend Change image and share on social
I saw 'Star Wars' for the first time when I was four years old. Sure, I thought Princess Leia was awesome. But the character I identified with most was Luke Skywalker. I left the theater certain the Force was strong with me, that I could train to be a Jedi and wield a lightsaber just like Luke. Rae Carson awesomecharacterforce share on social
The time was ripe for Flower. The vibe was right. Jody Watley flowerripetime Change image and share on social
I started putting down my own pen and spending some time searching for the best songs out there possible. It doesn't matter if I wrote them or not. Jake Owen matterpenputt Change image and share on social
Yeah, I paint in my spare time, just to relax myself and wind down a bit. Tyson Chandler bitepaintrelax Change image and share on social
It's time to recognise the Armenian Genocide. Kim Kardashian armeniangenociderecognise Change image and share on social
Christmas is a bridge. We need bridges as the river of time flows past. Today's Christmas should mean creating happy hours for tomorrow and reliving those of yesterday. Gladys Taber bridgechristmascreate Change image and share on social