I dress like a boy most of the time because I like what's comfortable, so sometimes when I have to wear dresses and makeup, it's kind of comedic. I take lots of pictures on my cell phone: 'Look, I'm dressed like a girl! Surprise!' Analeigh Tipton boycellcomedic share on social
Oh God, it's such a big world right now for artists. There are as many possibilities as you can have time for, getting your music out there with the internet, and Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, and everything that you have, there is a way to spread the word. To me, the first thing you have to have is substance and content and real depth. Amy Ray artistbigcontent share on social
I don't really have time to watch too much, but I like 'Family Guy' and 'Entourage.' I'm also obsessed with the YouTube series 'Balls of Steel.' It's hilarious. Alexander Ludwig ballentouragefamily Change image and share on social
I write and record all the time; it's my hobby and my passion. Alvin Lee hobbypassionrecord Change image and share on social
I laugh at it now, but one time I had an agent tell me I would never work in TV if I didn't get a nose job. People tell you to change yourself to fit into the L.A. scene, but the advice usually doesn't make any sense. The next agent told me my nose was great! Amanda Righetti adviceagentchange share on social
In tough times, some of us see protecting the climate as a luxury, but that's an outdated 20th-century worldview from a time when we thought industrialization was the end goal, waste was growth, and wealth meant a thick haze of air pollution. Alex Steffen 20thaircentury share on social
Climbing is definitely very much strength-to-weight ratio. At the same time, I've never dieted or restricted calories. You're just sort of mindful about not getting plump. Alex Honnold calorieclimbdiet Change image and share on social
I went to New York for the first time when I was in college for a school trip and, uh, it did not appeal to me. It was too much hustle and bustle. And I have since now found a New York where if I lived there now, I know where I would want to live. Allison Tolman appealbustlecollege share on social
My fastest time in high school was a 4:29 mile. I think cross-country has something to do with my longevity in my business. When you're in an eight-mile race, you never give up. Alice Cooper businesscountrycross Change image and share on social
What is morality in any given time or place? It is what the majority then and there happen to like and immorality is what they dislike. Alfred North Whitehead dislikehappenimmorality Change image and share on social