Every time you're given a job, you're given a gift, and if you're flexible, you never know what's going to happen. Annie Golden flexiblegifthappen Change image and share on social
People come up to me all the time. If I'm with friends or in a crowd, I'm fine, but if I'm by myself, I get afraid because people are nuts. Annie Golden afraidcrowdfine Change image and share on social
I do work half time as a historian of medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, and I started my career with work in the 19th century. Alice Dreger 19thcareercentury Change image and share on social
The level of sacrifice in the world of dancing is incredibly intense, that work ethic if nothing else - get up, go to class, rehearsal, performance, get up, go to class - that's your life, and it's like that for a finite time, usually. Anne-Marie Duff classdanceethic share on social
From time to time there is a move to do a little less in the way of period dramas, but people rebel. Audiences say we want them. There is a big hunger for them. I don't think it's sentimentality or nostalgia, it's often that they are simply the best stories. Andrew Davies audiencebigdrama share on social
New York State is upside down and backwards; high taxes and low performance. The New York State government was at one time a national model. Now, unfortunately, it's a national disgrace. Sometimes, the corruption in Albany could even make Boss Tweed blush. Andrew Cuomo albanybackwardsblush share on social
We're saying this to both countries: We want a two-state solution. We want a Jewish state of Israel and alongside a independent Palestinian state. Unilateral measures are not helping at all to bring about this cause, and we agree that we wish to cooperate very closely on this, because as we both say, time is of the essence. Angela Merkel agreealongsidebring share on social
When I modeled, I lived in Europe and worked all the time. I did runway, and that's all I did. Andie MacDowell europelivemodele Change image and share on social
I grew up in Texas, and people love their American-made muscle cars there. I grew up around people who loved cars and took care of cars and my dad's a big car nut, so I learned a little bit about cars - how to love them, most importantly. I think that from the time I could remember, I've always envisioned myself in a vintage muscle car. Amber Heard americanbigbite share on social
Infidelity is a deal breaker for me. I've broken up with people over it. You can't do monogamy 90 percent of the time. Alanis Morissette breakbreakerdeal Change image and share on social