I was in a rock band; I was my own folk singer; I was in a death metal band for a very short time; I was in a cover band, a jazz band, a blues band. I was in a gospel choir. Kiesza bandbluechoir Change image and share on social
It takes a long time to publish a book. Kenneth Koch booklongpublish Change image and share on social
From the beginning of Queen there was such momentum that I never had any time to do anything else. My energy was 95% focused on the band. Brian May bandbeginenergy Change image and share on social
There is tension between the values of modern society and the principles of Islam. Pim Fortuyn islammodernprinciple Change image and share on social
For me the most moving moment came when I first started working on 2001. I was already in awe of him, and he had very much already become Stanley Kubrick by the time the film started. Keir Dullea awefilmkubrick Change image and share on social
Each time a high-wage job is lost, a family is turned upside down. And that affects the communities where they live. Philipp Meyer affectcommunityfamily Change image and share on social
Life throws up enough road blocks to keep you from writing; you can't be adding to them yourself by saying you can only write in one specific place. I'm in New York half the time and Texas half the time, and I work wherever - in my computer bag I have some foam ear plugs that I can put in. Philipp Meyer addbagblock share on social
We are really the conveyors of truth in a very critical time and people need to know that truth. Judd Rose conveyorcriticalpeople Change image and share on social
So, who in the media is without sin among us? I am in the media and I am a major league sinner. I don't know anyone except my wife who isn't a big time sinner. Ben Stein bigleaguemajor Change image and share on social