Every time I'm home, it's like a vacation, but I've been playing in bands since I was 11. I guess our goals were always small goals. It started off my goal was just to be in a band. Then it was to have a drummer that would show up. Brittany Howard banddrummergoal share on social
When I first started, I was much weaker of a singer because I wasn't used to singing so much. Now I've learned, when I'm singing on stage, not to go over. You can go over and mess yourself up. I used to do it all the time, wouldn't know how to preserve it for the next show. Brittany Howard havelearnmes share on social
But let us remember, at the same time, government is sacred, and not to be trifled with. Jonathan Mayhew governmentremembersacred Change image and share on social
I used to be a health-care investor a long time ago in the public markets. One thing I learned that we tried to apply here is that investing in small molecules, trying to invest in the next treatment, there's an element of gambling to that. Bill Maris agoapplycare share on social
I work really, really hard and it's challenging going through all of those time zones and having to be awake when you're supposed to be asleep. I literally fly more than a pilot. Miranda Kerr asleepawakechallenge Change image and share on social
The Doctor' is the kind of character - because the guest cast is changing all the time, there are very few constants in the show, so the 'Doctor'- when you're there, you're in it a lot. You're speaking a lot. David Tennant castchangecharacter share on social
When you first read a script is the purest moment. That's when you can understand how an audience will ultimately receive it. The first reading of the script is so important because you're experiencing it all for the first time, and it's then that you really know if it's going to work or not. David Tennant audienceexperienceimportant share on social
If you can sell that you're the King of Scotland, or Henry V on a tiny stage in a studio theater somewhere, then you can probably sell that you're a starship captain or a time traveler. David Tennant captainhenryking Change image and share on social
No, that's not it. The first time we met was at Fat Tuesday's. Benny was playing, this was, I think in 1989? Benny Green bennyfatmeet Change image and share on social
'Benedict' means 'blessed.' My parents liked the sound of the name and felt slightly blessed because they'd been trying for a child for a very long time. Benedict Cumberbatch benedictblesschild Change image and share on social