A single is really quick, man. You can get it out, and in two months have it on your merch table. And albums can take a really long time. But when you get done with an album, it's a lot more fulfilling. Jay Reatard albumfulfilllong share on social
For the first time in my life, I'm proud of myself. Mary J. Blige lifeproudtime Change image and share on social
Basically, particularly in Britain, it's a hegemonic thing that people who write tend to come from the leisure classes. They can afford the time and the books. Irvine Welsh affordbasicallybook Change image and share on social
Every kind of book I've written has been written in a different way. There has not been any set time for writing, any set way, I haven't re-invented the process every time but I almost have. Irvine Welsh bookhaveinvent Change image and share on social
If you're going to do something, make it right and make it as good as you can. Don't waste anybody's time, especially your own. Debra Wilson goodmaketime Change image and share on social
I wasn't being followed around by paparazzi all the time. I was able to be a kid and spend that time with my family and not grow up too quickly. Danielle Fishel familygrowkid Change image and share on social
The Highlander was a documentary, and events happened in real time. Dana Snyder documentaryeventhappen Change image and share on social
The great thing about theater is that you have so much time to prepare, and to fail, before presenting it to the public. In film, the high-wire act seems to be that much farther up, and the net seems to be less there. Chris Pine actfailfar share on social
Save yourself some grief. Check with the publicist you hire to see what other books he/she has coming out at the same time as yours. M. J. Rose bookcheckcome Change image and share on social
Back in eighth grade, I'd seen nothing but small-town Georgia when I left the U.S. for the first time and went to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China. Chandler Massey backchinaeighth Change image and share on social