I find it strange the way human nature wants heroes and yet wants to destroy their heroes. It's a kind of mass insecurity people want something to look up to and get a buzz off but, at the same time, want to destroy it because it makes them feel insecure. Danielle Dax buzzdestroyfeel share on social
Be strong and follow your own convictions. You can't assume there is a lot of time to do what you like. This is what David Bowie is afraid of: that he will die before he gets a chance to make a real strong contribution. Marc Bolan afraidassumebowie share on social
My 20s was a time for self-exploration and, okay, a little self-indulgence. Chris Evans 20sexplorationindulgence Change image and share on social
Any time you make a movie where you're living in a certain head space for an extended period of time, it's tough not to take a little piece home with you. Chris Evans extendheadhome Change image and share on social
I don't know why people eat so badly. I could eat pasta all the time, but it really is fattening. And I love ice cream, but I can't do that. There was a time, until I was in my mid-forties, when I could eat a whole pizza - and really, no effect. Christopher Walken badlycreameat share on social
When you're going for a big studio comedy, the joke tally better be pretty high, and you better have some big comedy set pieces. That was one of the issues when I was trying to get 'Swingers' made for the first time, which is that there weren't any broad comedy set pieces. Jon Favreau bigbroadcomedy share on social
For this album I was determined to do it my way. Take my time. I'm gonna win, lose or draw on my own. Pras Michel albumdeterminedraw Change image and share on social
Because I'm so busy and because I think of myself as a painter, I desperately guard the time that I have to paint. And sometimes I'm irresponsible to my career in order to paint. Because painting is obsessive. I forget to eat. I forget to sleep. Joni Mitchell busycareerdesperately share on social
Believe in something larger than yourself... get involved in the big ideas of your time. Barbara Bush bigideainvolve Change image and share on social
I split my time between Santa Barbara and Aspen. I live on a pretty fast horse. Kevin Costner aspenbarbarafast Change image and share on social