In family relationships, 'love' is really spelled 't-i-m-e,' time. Taking time for each other is the key for harmony at home. Dieter F. Uchtdorf conjurerfamilyharmony Change image and share on social
The act of writing surprises me all the time. A miraculous thing happens when you have an idea and you want to convert it into words... and then you start to create a work of art, and that's another miracle, and it remains mysterious to the writer, or to this writer anyway. Janette Turner Hospital actartconvert share on social
Memory and creativity are essential to education, but if you teach memory incorrectly, it is a total waste of time, and it will inhibit learning. Tony Buzan creativityeducationessential Change image and share on social
I had lost relationships with my dad, my brother and sister and I was just like, you know what, this is definitely the time to just get it together and so that's what I did. Nicole Richie brotherdadlose Change image and share on social
The best time for you to hold your tongue is the time you feel you must say something or bust. Josh Billings bustfeelhold Change image and share on social
Here's what happens in a play. You get involved in a situation where something is unbalanced. If nothing's unbalanced, there's no reason to have a play. If Hamlet comes home from school, and his dad's not dead and asks him if he's had a good time, it's boring. But if something's unbalanced, it must be returned to order. David Mamet askboredad share on social
I tell people all the time, 'Don't be fooled, because I am a man by day.' Kellyanne Conway dayfoolman Change image and share on social
What I don't want to do is restrict law-abiding citizens from their Second Amendment rights, which are focused on freedom. I point out all the time. Remember, bad guys aren't stupid, they're just bad. Jim Jordan abideamendmentbad Change image and share on social
There is no greater gift than time. Jonathan Safran Foer giftgreattime Change image and share on social
I regret those times when I've chosen the dark side. I've wasted enough time not being happy. Jessica Lange choosedarkhappy Change image and share on social