There are people who expect me to look the way I do on-screen, where I have a great director of photography and fantastic lighting. I'm sorry to disappoint people, but I don't look like that all the time - no actress does. Catherine Zeta-Jones actressdirectordisappoint share on social
Going through that traumatic time of being heartbroken and then being pregnant turned my whole life upside down and inside out and just knocked the wind out of me. But I got so much out of that. Bridget Moynahan heartbrokeninsideknock Change image and share on social
My dad took me to John Kennedy's inauguration when I was 8. We come every time, Republican and Democrat, because of this great country. John Barrasso countrydaddemocrat Change image and share on social
I pretty much just focus on making the records - unless I'm self-releasing them; then I do my own thing. But at some point, you have to stop worrying about chains of distribution, or it takes out of your time to write. John Darnielle chaindistributionfocus share on social
If you're a filmmaker, and every time you finish a film, you just naturally go, 'Oh, I could have done so much better,' that's not much fun, is it, really? You might as well go pick another profession if that really is how you derive satisfaction from it. Peter Jackson derivefilmfilmmaker share on social
If I had my life to live over, I would do it all again, but this time I would be nastier. Jeannette Rankin lifelivenasty Change image and share on social
The only football players in my time were fellows who really loved to play football. They were not in it for the money. There wasn't much money there. They would have played football for nothing. Red Grange fellowfootballlove Change image and share on social
Pope John Paul, a man of peace and compassion, was one of the most revered leaders of our time. Bill Williams compassionjohnleader Change image and share on social
It seems that I have always been ahead of my time. I had to wait nineteen years before Niagara was harnessed by my system, fifteen years before the basic inventions for wireless which I gave to the world in 1893 were applied universally. Nikola Tesla aheadapplybasic share on social
By five or six, when the heels start to hurt, I kick off my shoes and walk bare feet. But that's not a big deal. Nobody else is at the office at that time, and as for singing loudly, I don't sing loudly. I might hum a tune at times when I am thinking about something, but that's all fine. Indra Nooyi barebigdeal share on social