If you woke up, every day, and someone punched you in the face, for the first week, you'd go, 'Why is someone punching me in the face?' But, by the time you got through week two, you'd take it and just go on with the day. Dominic Monaghan dayfacepunch share on social
Being favorite counts for nothing. I am focusing on doing the best time of my life, whether or not it's the best in history or the best in the competition. Cesar Cielo competitioncountfavorite Change image and share on social
I have had some pretty wild nights! I think the media keeps a very close eye on what people are up to these days. I was out with George Clooney a few nights ago and we had a great time. Tom Jones agoclooneyclose Change image and share on social
The first time my friends saw me in a magazine I was so excited. Chanel Iman excitefriendmagazine Change image and share on social
If you look back, Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven were mixing music and humor all the time. Richard Hyung-ki Joo backbeethovenhaydn Change image and share on social
I think the motion picture industry is a stupid business and I despise acting the scenes in short snatches, one at a time. I hate this film work. I am disgusted with myself. On the stage I could never play a part unless I felt it with all my heart and soul. Conrad Veidt actbusinessdespise share on social
Every time I do a play, it's as if I've never done one before. I'm always confused. I always am convinced I'm going to be fired. I'm like, 'I don't remember how to act. I don't know how to do this.' And, it's just a very slow process, and then, all of a sudden, it's just there one day. I still don't understand how it happens. Cristin Milioti actconfuseconvince share on social
Everybody always asks me, 'How much can you bench?' I'm like, 'I don't know. I don't lift weights.' Now that I'm in college, we lift weights every once in a while, but not maxing out. We do things with a weight vest on... That surprises people, too, how strong you can get by just basically lifting your body all the time. Jacob Dalton askbasicallybench share on social
I think the only time I doubted myself was my senior year in high school. I was not offered a Division I scholarship. I remember a scout from Ohio State coming in and looking at my film. He was all excited to meet me. Then he met me and I was 5'10" and he said that I was not a Division I quarterback. Doug Flutie 5'10comedivision share on social
Minimalism now is a reaction to what came before. It's absolutely of its time. Music moved into the set theory thing, and moved out of it. Harrison Birtwistle absolutelyminimalismmove Change image and share on social