Every time I give a talk, I ask the audience - especially if it's kids - how many want to go to Mars. At least half raise their hands. I don't think there's going to be any shortage of volunteers. Ellen Stofan audiencegivehalf Change image and share on social
I always have a story in my head that needs to be written, or at least I think I do. But I usually can't find the time to write it. Etgar Keret findheadstory Change image and share on social
When I left the Senate in 1979, there were several publishers who had approached me about writing an autobiography, and I knew that politicians write books for many reasons, but at that time, I just thought I wasn't ready and my story wasn't over, and I knew I had a new life ahead of me. Edward Brooke aheadapproachautobiography share on social
My favorite book is 'Go Away Big Green Monster.' I wrote it for my granddaughter Adrian, who was in the third grade at the time. Ed Emberley adrianbigbook Change image and share on social
Man's true taproots are nourished in the sequence of generations, and he loses his taproots in disrupted developmental time, not in abandoned localities. Erik Erikson abandondevelopmentaldisrupt Change image and share on social
Technology changes all the time; human nature, hardly ever. Evgeny Morozov humannaturetechnology Change image and share on social
A second characteristic of our time is the prevalence of nationalism. This is still spreading, affecting new communities, more peripheral regions and so-called backward peoples. Emily Greene Balch affectbackwardcall Change image and share on social
Technology gives us the facilities that lessen the barriers of time and distance - the telegraph and cable, the telephone, radio, and the rest. Emily Greene Balch barriercabledistance Change image and share on social
Probably people always feel that they are living in a time of transition, but we can hardly be mistaken perhaps in thinking that this is an era of particularly momentous change, rapid and proceeding at an ever quickening rate. Emily Greene Balch changeerafeel share on social
People think it's strange how briskly I move through museums. Sure, I could stand in front of each piece and stare at it for a good long time. But that's not me. Eli Broad brisklyfrontgood Change image and share on social