Writing long hand is the last refuge. One needs the time it takes to put pencil to paper and let it run along the ruled line. Antonio Damasio handlinelong Change image and share on social
We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths; in feelings, not in figures on a dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best. Aristotle actbreathcount Change image and share on social
I was a Jewish rabbinical student for 12 years, and studied the Bible all the time. Alan Dershowitz biblejewishrabbinical Change image and share on social
When I am not working, I go to the movies, text my friends, my thumbs are faster than lightening on that keyboard!, write songs, sing, dance, Facebook, Twitter and spend time with my besties. I am also a songwriter and I love to write about my life experiences. Ariel Winter bestiesdanceexperience share on social
It would be good to see what the Queen gets up to at Buckingham Palace. I bet she spends her whole time watching 'Coronation Street.' Amelia Warner betbuckinghamcoronation Change image and share on social
For the first time in my life I'm really happy to be unattached because I realise there is so much responsibility to having a partner. Amanda Seyfried happylifepartner Change image and share on social
I'm not really into clubbing, I like to go to parties after events, and those do end up at clubs or bars. But in my free time I go grocery shopping or to the gym, or I talk on the phone. Amanda Seyfried barclubend Change image and share on social
We will spend more time in America, we're going to get a place in LA as hotels aren't great for the baby. Anna Friel americababygreat Change image and share on social
I don't have the time to curl up on my couch with a good book. Angie Harmon bookcouchcurl Change image and share on social
Mine is a job that never ends, a function where it is almost impossible to set aside time to rest or take a breather. Alber Elbaz breatherendfunction Change image and share on social