It's a good time for me, but it's only recently I've become comfortable in my job. At the start, it's hard having the nerve to call yourself an actor, let alone doing it. I gave myself two years after drama school, and if I didn't make it, then I'd give it up. Ruth Wilson actorcallcomfortable share on social
My first acting lessons were Shakespeare. The first time I ever started working with a coach was doing scenes from 'Measure for Measure,' which were tough dramatic scenes. And then 'Taming of the Shrew,' which required comedic timing. And that's the kind of stuff I love. Dave Bautista actcoachcomedic share on social
Working with a lot of people at the same time is a task. I really like making stuff and getting stuff done. One of the things I really liked about Facebook was that I could always move so quickly. I wrote the original application in, like, nine days at the end of January. Mark Zuckerberg applicationdayend share on social
I think any time someone's dreams are crushed, there's the people who can fight to still try and fulfill those dreams and then there's the people who just give up. Constance Zimmer crushdreamfight Change image and share on social
One of the few things that will remain of this time is what artists are doing. They are the journal and the diary of our time. Robert Wilson artistdiaryjournal Change image and share on social
The only time I ever went hunting I remembered it as a grisly experience. Gloria Swanson experiencegrislyhunt Change image and share on social
Every time, all the time, I'm a perfectionist. I feel I should never lose. Chris Evert feelloseperfectionist Change image and share on social
I remember the first time I was booked into a jazz club. I was scared to death. I'm not a jazz artist. So I got to the club and spotted this big poster saying, 'Richie Havens, folk jazz artist.' Then I'd go to a rock club and I'm billed as a 'folk rock performer' and in the blues clubs I'd be a 'folk blues entertainer.' Richie Havens artistbigbill share on social
I came up in Brooklyn singing doo-wop music from the time I was 13 to the time I was 20. That music served a purpose of keeping a lot of people out of trouble, and also it was a passport from one neighborhood to another. Richie Havens brooklyndookeep share on social
I was a library rat and a bookworm. I read all the time. I walked to school reading books. I read under my desk. Chelsea Cain bookbookwormdesk Change image and share on social