Leisure is not synonymous with time. Nor is it a noun. Leisure is a verb. I leisure. You leisure. Mortimer Adler leisurenounsynonymous Change image and share on social
The struggle to write with profundity of emotion and at the same time to live like a millionaire so exhausted F. Scott Fitzgerald that he was at last brought down to the point where he could no longer be both a good writer and a decent person. Nelson Algren bringdecentemotion share on social
Make a habit of canceling every subscription to anything you don't have time to read. Marilyn vos Savant cancelinghabitmake Change image and share on social
Stars that become supernovae start off at least eight times heavier than our sun. They're so short-lived that, even if they have planets, there is unlikely to be time for life to get started. The surface is 40,000C and, as a result, the colouring will be extremely blue. Martin Rees 000cbluecolour share on social
You know looking back on it now I used the fight and after the fight as motivation, to make sure I was going to be the best middleweight in the world for a long time. Marvin Hagler backfightlong Change image and share on social
God is pretty explicit in what we're supposed to do - what man and woman are for. Now, at the same time, we're supposed to love everybody and accept people, and preach against the sins. Joe Wurzelbacher acceptexplicitgod Change image and share on social
Time, place, and action may with pains be wrought, but genius must be born; and never can be taught. John Dryden actionbeargenius Change image and share on social
When you first get out of doing a show for a long time where you played a teenager, casting directors and producers all still look at you as being the character that you played for so long. Danielle Fishel castcharacterdirector Change image and share on social
I've often been asked to run for office. I have no desire to do that, I would not want my time with the family or the company restricted because of the demands of an elected position. Carl Karcher askcompanydemand Change image and share on social
Every time you work, you have to do it all over again, to rid yourself of this dross. I suppose for a person who is not an artist or not attempting art, it is not dross, because it is the common exchange of everyday life. Carl Andre artartistattempt share on social