When I first started writing, I was in advertising at the time, I was doing most of my writing on weekends. I had studied most of the other series heroes and I figured it would be fun for mine to be different and put him in and around water. So I dreamed up Dirk Pitt. Clive Cussler advertisedirkdream share on social
What more can we require? Nothing but time. James Hutton requiretime Change image and share on social
You're lucky if I watch 10 minutes of wrestling a month. Most of the time, I channel surf, and I lose interest after a few minutes. Jesse Ventura channelinterestlose Change image and share on social
I think more of the little kids from a school in a little village in Niger who get teaching two hours a day, sharing one chair for three of them, and who are very keen to get an education. I have them in my mind all the time. Because I think they need even more help than the people in Athens. Christine Lagarde athenschairday share on social
I'm extremely compassionate, loving, all of those warm fuzzy things, but the outer shell doesn't project that all the time. Frank Ocean compassionateextremelyfuzzy Change image and share on social
When people divorce, it's always such a tragedy. At the same time, if people stay together it can be even worse. Monica Bellucci badlydivorcepeople Change image and share on social
I'm a jewelry girl. I became with friends with designer Irene Neuwirth a few years ago. At that point, I just used to wear my wedding rings. Very low key. Now, if I could, I'd be draped from head to toe in her jewelry all the time. Everything she makes is beautiful. Busy Philipps agobeautifuldesigner share on social
I'm a dirty kid: I like to be outside, I like to run about, I like to get messy. So I spent a lot of time outside as a kid, skating and just being a disaster. I was obsessed with Dogtown - I still am obsessed with Dogtown, the Z-Boys. I love Stacy Peralta and Jay Adams and Andrew Reynolds, all these guys. I used to think I was Chad Muska. Jamie Campbell Bower adamandrewboy share on social
I don't develop anything. I don't practice, I don't rehearse. I just go out there, and it's just amazing and unpredictable and spontaneous every single time. It's the most cultivating incredible performance that you can go and see live for the amount of money that you can see it for. Tory Lanez amazeamountcultivate share on social
That whole environment was just incompatible with my beliefs and my personality. It was a dark time for me. Zhang Ziyi beliefdarkenvironment Change image and share on social