Writing keeps my mind occupied during the down time in my acting career. Even when I am working, there are times when I have multiple days off each week. Also, the writing allows me to 'do' movies that I would never do as an actor. Conan Stevens actactorcareer share on social
I'd definitely like to study other things and keep on learning all the time, but I wouldn't want to do anything else. Ultimately, acting is my craft. I've always been interested in psychology and nutrition, but I don't know that I'd go and make that my profession. Cindy Busby actcrafthave share on social
Every book for me is an exorcism in some way or another, working through my feelings at the time. Bret Easton Ellis bookexorcismfeeling Change image and share on social
It takes a long time to make me beautiful, but it goes fast to make me ugly. Stellan Skarsgard beautifulfastlong Change image and share on social
Do your damnedest in an ostentatious manner all the time. George S. Patton damnedemannerostentatious Change image and share on social
I started directing videos at the same time that Michel Gondry was starting to direct videos, and I watched what he'd do. They all seemed to be pushing some new visual effects idea, but never just for spectacle. They all captured a feeling. Spike Jonze capturedirecteffect share on social
Words are most malignant, the most treacherous possession of mankind. They are saturated with the sorrows of all time. Louis Sullivan malignantmankindpossession Change image and share on social
There is no greater responsibility resting upon peoples and governments everywhere than to make sure that enduring peace will this time - at long last - be established and maintained. Cordell Hull endureestablishgovernment Change image and share on social
I fully realize that the new organization is a human rather than a perfect instrumentality for the attainment of its great objective. As time goes on it will, I am sure, be improved. Cordell Hull attainmentfullygreat Change image and share on social
I like when a guy makes me feel like a woman and a little girl at the same time. Tara Reid feelgirlguy Change image and share on social