I believe that you're here on Earth for a short time, and while you're here, you shouldn't forget it. Bea Arthur earthforgetshort Change image and share on social
I feel like a pioneer with the split-fingered fastball. I was the first one to really throw it pretty much 100 percent of the time. It was a pitch that I had to have. If I didn't have it, I wouldn't have been in the big leagues. Bruce Sutter bigfastballfeel share on social
'Skins' had been a brilliant breeding ground for young actors, young directors and young writers. It was a safe environment to experiment; it tried new things, and it was an amazing time and amazing to be part of it. Joe Dempsie actoramazebreed share on social
I don't have to be glamorous all the time. Kimberly Elise glamoroustime Change image and share on social
I really think of the studio as being like craftsmanship time, and then playing is about releasing energy, and the two are really different. Guy Picciotto craftsmanshipenergyplay Change image and share on social
In good writing, the contemplative and the exciting happen at the same time. Dave Morris contemplativeexcitgood Change image and share on social
One of my favorite graphic novels of all time is Grant Morrison's 'Earth-2.' Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa earthfavoritegrant Change image and share on social
One of the most powerful devices is to distort time, to go from human time to atomic time, geologic time. Sometimes you can actually accomplish that, with one unexpected word choice. Robert Morgan accomplishatomicchoice Change image and share on social
My dear sister, I hope, when God Almighty in his righteous providence shall take me out of time into eternity, that it will be by a flash of lightning. James Otis almightydeareternity Change image and share on social
You know, you get to a certain age, 45, 50, I don't know when it happens, I said, 'Jesus, all I got is a certain amount of time. Maybe I should think about using it a little better.' Brian Dennehy ageamountjesus Change image and share on social