Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use. Earl Nightingale accomplishfearpas Change image and share on social
I grew up on a ranch with my father, so he educated us really early on about guns. We used to go target shooting all the time. Eva Longoria earlyeducatefather Change image and share on social
A big diamond necklace is nouveau riche, really. People who have wealth a long time don't wear such things. Elsa Peretti bigdiamondlong Change image and share on social
Otherwise, I spend a lot of time at my boyfriend's home in the country, in New Jersey. Eva Herzigova boyfriendcountryhome Change image and share on social
All of us in the Ball family in South Carolina, from the time we're children, hear stories about our ancestors, the slave owners. Edward Ball ancestorballcarolina Change image and share on social
If you had to buy a new plane every time you flew somewhere, it would be incredibly expensive. Elon Musk buyexpensivefly Change image and share on social
I'm not good at watching stuff that I'm in at all. I should stop. I shouldn't watch something for the first time with a room full of people at Sundance. It's not a good idea. Ellen Page fullgoodidea Change image and share on social
I like science fiction, I like fantasy, I like time travel, so I had this idea: What if you had a phone that could call into the past? Rainbow Rowell callfantasyfiction Change image and share on social
One of my favourite things to think about is, if you could be invisible and go back in time, where would you go? I've always said ancient Egypt. I would love to see them building the pyramids, and I've always had a real fascination with medieval time and monarchy in medieval times. Elizabeth Debicki ancientbackbuild share on social
Anything I've ever said, I certainly was feeling at the time. Eminem felthavetime Change image and share on social