No matter what we face, put your total faith in God, and in time - not our time, but His time - He'll bring us through. Lex Luger bringfacefaith Change image and share on social
At tea time, all the noise, greed and aggressiveness of the '80s can be drowned out. For 45 minutes, anyway. Letitia Baldrige 80saggressivenessdrown Change image and share on social
I remember the moon landings, and Apollo was the paradigm by which all progress was measured at that time. And I knew that creating a true space-faring civilization was both possible and practical. What I failed to realize was that the effort would fail due to bureaucratic inertia and political apathy. Karl Schroeder apathyapollobureaucratic share on social
Mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas. Johnny Carson christmasearlylose Change image and share on social
New York is an exciting town where something is happening all the time, most unsolved. Johnny Carson excithappentime Change image and share on social
If something bothers me, it bothers me for a long time until I find a way to work it out. Music provided me with a means of working things out. Iris Dement botherfindlong Change image and share on social
Depression comes back over time in about 90 percent of people on antidepressants. Studies show that relapses are far less common when people are treated with psychotherapy. Irving Kirsch antidepressantbackcommon Change image and share on social
What scares me the most is that both the poker bot and Dropbox started out as distractions. That little voice in my head was telling me where to go, and the whole time I was telling it to shut up so I could get back to work. Sometimes that little voice knows best. Drew Houston backbotdistraction share on social
I lay in my dressing room after being in make-up waiting to go on. They knew I was feeling pretty rotten and they tried to give me time to rest. But I couldn't sleep. I couldn't do anything. Dick York dressfeltgive Change image and share on social
What you have to remember is that baseball isn't a week or a month but a season - and a season is a long time. Chuck Tanner baseballlongmonth Change image and share on social