There is perhaps not an enlightened Christian in America who, notwithstanding he may believe that, at the time of Jesus, men were possessed of devils, believes that they ever have been in any other instance, either before or since. Lysander Spooner americabelievechristian share on social
The time to be happy is now, and the place to be happy is here. Robert Green Ingersoll happyplacetime Change image and share on social
I think anything is possible if you have the mindset and the will and desire to do it and put the time in. Roger Clemens desiremindsetput Change image and share on social
I always save a huge book for a flight, because then you read it at both airports and on the plane and by the time you get home you're a quarter of the way through and it doesn't feel so unmanageable any more. Ned Beauman airportbookfeel share on social
Before I got through high school I had attended 22 different schools. In the time before I was well acquainted with the latest school, I would amuse myself by drawing and found that I was pretty good at it. Marc Davis acquaintamuseattend share on social
I have the '77 Million Paintings' running in my studio a lot of the time. Occasionally I'll look up from what I'm doing and I think, 'God, I've never seen anything like that before!' And that's a real thrill. Brian Eno godhavelot share on social
My mother didn't let me see color films. I saw a lot of black-and-white films. The first time I saw Basil Rathbone, I was completely taken. To me, that was the epitome of great acting, was Basil Rathbone - not only in Sherlock Holmes, but the Sheriff of Nottingham, and all the terrible characters he had to play alongside Errol Flynn. Liev Schreiber actalongsidebasil share on social
I think I'm telling the truth. I sat by Ray Perkins at the Hall of Fame dinner in New York, and at that time he didn't know he was our coach and I didn't either. Bear Bryant coachdinnerfame Change image and share on social
I find the positive in the negative all the time. Any time you give something power, it wins, and it can continuously happen, so I just let negative people know they have no place in my life. They have no place around my children. Monica Denise Brown childcontinuouslyfind share on social
Most people get overwhelmed by the insignificant decisions of their lives. I'm urging people to minimize the time spent on these when they're not critical to their most important goals. Robert Pozen criticaldecisiongoal Change image and share on social