In time of peace prepare for war. Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus peacepreparetime Change image and share on social
Often while traveling with a camera we arrive just as the sun slips over the horizon of a moment, too late to expose film, only time enough to expose our hearts. Minor White arrivecameraexpose Change image and share on social
Every time I get an autograph, I feel like I'm taking home a little piece of that star. What drives me is the intrinsic value. Joshua Morrow autographdrivefeel Change image and share on social
Many of my favourite hotels are in London. I like the Covent Garden Hotel and I stayed at Blakes last time I was in London. I like the feeling of warmth and homeliness that you get from both of those places. Diego Luna blakecoventfavourite share on social
If you've ever talked to a special agent that you know well, and you ask he or she about a dangerous encounter they were involved in, they'll almost always give you the same answer: 'Yeah, I did it, but I was scared to heck the whole time.' James Comey agentanswerdangerous share on social
In the case of 'Goon Squad,' which sold slowly for a long time despite the good reviews, those 'best of 2010' lists were pivotal, and made the book really sell. Jennifer Egan bookcasegood Change image and share on social
I have a soft spot for cashmere - even though that is not a particularly sustainable fabric, I do invest in quality, so it is sustainable in the sense that it is not just throwaway fashion and I keep it for a long, long time. Suzy Amis cashmerefabricfashion share on social
My favorite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time. Steve Jobs clearcostfavorite Change image and share on social
If people decide thin is out, the fashion industry won't have thin models anymore. Have you spent time with fashion people? They are ruthless. They want money. And the one thing they know is people want clothes to cover their bodies. Unfortunately, most people aren't comfortable with their bodies. Kelly Cutrone anymorebodyclothe share on social
Samuel Beckett's 'Waiting for Godot,' billed as 'the laugh sensation of two continents,' made its American debut at the Coconut Grove Playhouse, in Miami, Florida, in 1956. My father, Bert Lahr, was playing Estragon, one of the two bowler-hatted tramps who pass the time in a lunar landscape as they wait in vain for the arrival of a Mr. Godot. John Lahr beckettbertbill share on social