No, we are not anti-white. But we don't have time for the white man. The white man is on top already, the white man is the boss already... He has first-class citizenship already. So you are wasting your time talking to the white man. We are working on our own people. Malcolm X antiboscitizenship share on social
We're not much of a camping family. When I was in Cub Scouts, we went camping once, and my dad snored the whole time and kept me up. It wasn't that fun. Chandler Riggs campcubdad Change image and share on social
I'd love to do more TV, but I'd love to get into more feature films. I'd also love to go back to the stage when the time and opportunity is right. I haven't gotten to do a lot of that here in L.A., but my favorite thing to do is live theatre. I'd love to actually have a career where you can kind of move in and out of all of those mediums. Mariana Klaveno backcareerfavorite share on social
Country music in the mid-'90s was a big influence on my career, and I played all the songs that are referenced in '94' back in my club days. Joe Diffie was rocking a sick mullet, and he was hotter than ever... just putting out monster hit after monster hit. It totally takes me back to those days, and it makes me smile every time I hear it. Jason Aldean 90sbackbig share on social
You really have to take your time; you have to know your character and your scene. The line you are about to say comes from the moment right before. It's not what's said, it's what is in between the spaces, it's what's in between the lines; that is the most important to play. Sarah Shahi characterimportantline share on social
I think it's important to love what you do and have a good time with it. I go to work every day and have a blast. Sarah Shahi blastdaygood Change image and share on social
I don't really like meetings, I like recording and performing music. I need to set myself up for when the time does come that I need better distribution or just a bigger team behind me. Chance The Rapper bigdistributionmeeting Change image and share on social
The world went by, and we didn't get caught up in all the other things, because we didn't have time. We had no spare time. It was always thinking about training and focusing on what we wanted, our goals. Peggy Fleming catchfocusgoal share on social
Have we so soon forgotten those four years of terrible carnage, the greatest war of all time; forgotten the millions of men who gave their lives, who made the supreme sacrifice and who today, beneath the soil of France and Belgium, sleep the eternal sleep? Frank B. Kellogg belgiumbeneathcarnage share on social
Time, whose tooth gnaws away everything else, is powerless against truth. Thomas Huxley gnawpowerlesstime Change image and share on social