I don't have time for regrets. I go forward; I'm a doer, and I always have projects and dreams. Guler Sabanci doerdreamforward Change image and share on social
Most buildings, whether they're Gothic cathedrals or Romanesque ones, were high tech for their time. Richard Rogers buildingcathedralgothic Change image and share on social
I'm so bored of all these girls who have written about 20 books by the time they're 25. Gail Porter bookboregirl Change image and share on social
It's all about story and character with me, and I don't care if the job is on daytime or prime time or the web. Hey, give me a good character and someone to listen, and I'll do my acting on a street corner. Justin Hartley actcarecharacter share on social
Fiscal responsibility and government reform are going to be good themes for governing, well at any time, but particularly coming out of a recovery. Bob McDonnell comefiscalgood Change image and share on social
I remember the first time my friend Colin Lewis, who used to be a judge with me on a show on MuchMusic called 'disBAND,' told me, 'I think I just found your next favorite artist to adore.' He sent me The Weeknd, and he was completely spot on. The Weeknd is literally on every playlist I have. Hannah Simone adoreartistcall share on social
At 19, you know everything; by the time you're 40, you haven't got a clue. Hugh Bonneville cluetime Change image and share on social
In L.A., I like to surf. I went through a phase - I was surfing four days a week. I'm still not good at it; I still spend most of my time falling. Jess Weixler dayfallgood Change image and share on social
I believe that a lot of what we put in our bodies really can harm us. It's been proven that people who eat Mediterranean and Japanese diets live for a very long time. Cote de Pablo bodydieteat Change image and share on social
There are very few young goalkeepers who play at the top level. Most goalkeepers figure it out as time goes on. Tim Howard figuregoalkeeperlevel Change image and share on social