A lot of it, as it is in any job in life, is being in the right place at the right time. Julie Harris joblifelot Change image and share on social
The violations of these diesel motors by our company go against everything that Volkswagen stands for... at this time, I don't yet have the answers to all the questions. I'm utterly sorry that we have damaged trust in this way. I offer my deepest apologies to our customers, the authorities, and to the public at large for our misconduct. Martin Winterkorn answerapologyauthority share on social
I know there are fewer women comics, and I think there'll continue to be an inherent sexism in many industries, comedy being one, just because things do take a while to evolve. Things are changing, but it's going to take time. I accept this rather than getting angry about it. Miranda Hart acceptangrychange share on social
It was weird - writing is a stupid thing to do. I come up here in the morning to a pleasant room in the roof of my house and imagine I'm a black South American football superstar; then I have to imagine I'm a female pop celebrity who's pregnant. It's a completely mad way to spend your time. Mal Peet americanblackcelebrity share on social
Every good picture leaves the painter eager to start again, unsatisfied, inspired by the rich mine in which he is working, hoping for more energy, more vitality, more time - condemned to painting for life. John French Sloan condemneagerenergy share on social
The real leaders cannot appear in the peaceful time; nor can the serious opposition emerge from within the peaceful atmosphere. Without an open confrontation, there is no opposition! Vladimir Bukovsky atmosphereconfrontationemerge Change image and share on social
Our kids are in their twenties now, which is a wonderful time. Jeff Daniels kidtimetwenty Change image and share on social
The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is, ask how many Republicans there are in their sociology department. Thomas Sowell academicdepartmentdiversity Change image and share on social
Who is happy with his appearance? I find many drawbacks of myself. But, each time when I visit Lourdes, I receive a lesson of reconciliation. When you see ill people or invalids around, you realize that it is a sin to complain! Mireille Mathieu appearancecomplaindrawback share on social
So whatever it is you want, need or desire or just like to have, you better try to get it now, 'cause this is the only time there is. Della Reese desiretime Change image and share on social