Although scientists can often be as resistant to new ideas as anyone, the process of science ensures that, over time, good ideas and theories prevail. Dean Ornish ensuregoodidea Change image and share on social
There is a short window at the beginning of one's professional life, when it is comparatively easy to take big risks. Make the most of that time, before circumstances make you risk averse. Joshua Foer aversebeginbig Change image and share on social
I wrote 'The Spy Who Came in from the Cold' at the age of 30 under intense, unshared personal stress and in extreme privacy. As an intelligence officer in the guise of a junior diplomat at the British Embassy in Bonn, I was a secret to my colleagues, and much of the time to myself. John le Carre agebonnbritish share on social
I wouldn't say I'm underrated, but more reserved. Only time will tell, but I've been good so far in being consistent and making hit after hit writing for myself and other artists, from rap to R&B, and being able to make those different records. Nayvadius Cash artistconsistentgood share on social
I used food as a coping mechanism for many, many years, and it was my best friend for a long time. Carnie Wilson copefoodfriend Change image and share on social
Every time a director calls me and says, 'If you practice a lot in two months, can you be an American?' And I always tell them, 'Well, maybe but I'm French. So it's going to be hard to be someone else.' Melanie Laurent americancalldirector share on social
You can't stumble upon something new and wonderful if you don't have time to stumble. Janet Echelman stumbletimewonderful Change image and share on social
I grew up playing the saxophone. I joined the jazz band in high school, but somewhere along the way I realized the guys who strummed acoustic guitars at parties were the ones who got the attention. So I asked a friend to show me a few chords, and when I moved to L.A. I spent a lot of time practicing my guitar. Chris Carmack acousticaskattention share on social
I'd had my time in the charts and made loads of money. I was no longer hungry for success. Rick Astley charthungryload Change image and share on social
Bruce is the man. He was definitely ahead of his time. Donnie Yen aheadbruceman Change image and share on social