'Shameless' was such a weird time in my life because I never really experienced any kind of role that put me that much in the spotlight before. Laura Slade Wiggins experiencekindlife Change image and share on social
I had a really good time in New Orleans, although I had some very tragic times in Baton Rouge. Some guys beat me up and threw my horn away. 'Cause I had a beard, then, and long hair like the Beatles. Ornette Coleman batonbeardbeat Change image and share on social
From the time I was very young, maybe five or six, I thought a lot about being an actress. I didn't tell my friends about my ambitions, though, especially when I got older, because I thought they would not receive them well. I never talked about what I wanted to do. Louise Fletcher actressambitionfriend share on social
Anne Boleyn was a warrior forced to use the only tools available to a woman in her position at that time. She was bold and ambitious, and had she had a son, history would have been very different. Lydia Leonard ambitiousannebold Change image and share on social
I cannot afford to waste my time making money. Louis Agassiz affordmakemoney Change image and share on social
What was really wonderful about the 'Doubtfire' shoot is that we had this really long rehearsal period in the beginning. That was a great time to get to know each other. We got to know each other and to create the family vibe. So we really didn't have to force it. Lisa Jakub begincreatedoubtfire share on social
It's really kind of a challenge to keep coordinated with the two station crews that we'll be interacting with. And of course one of them launched quite some time before our mission. Linda M. Godwin challengecoordinatecrew Change image and share on social
Every time I sit down to write, I need to commit to a word count goal, otherwise I waste too much time editing and re-editing my previous work, staring dreamily off into space, pretending that I'm thinking profound, poetic thoughts when really I'm just thinking, 'Look at me being a writer! I'm so happy I'm a writer!' Liane Moriarty commitcountdreamily share on social
Until spring training in 1946, the only time I pitched was in 1945 in the GI World Series. Leon Day pitchseriesspring Change image and share on social