I've been taking martial arts for a long time. I started with tae kwon do, and then I started taking karate and mixed martial arts. Daniella Alonso arthavekarate Change image and share on social
I haven't had the time to plan returning to the scene because I haven't left it. Mick Jagger leaveplanreturn Change image and share on social
You see a Clint Eastwood movie, and you might not know if it's from Universal or Warner Bros. or another studio. He has affiliations with so many studios now, but there was a time when you'd just look at a movie and think, 'Oh, that's a Warner Bros. film.' Robert Osborne affiliationbroclint share on social
At my confirmation, where you get the Holy Spirit, I came down the stairs at my party and had torn, like, 80 holes in my pantyhose and said I had the Holy Spirit, and just would do things like that all the time. Paula Pell confirmationholeholy share on social
When it comes to peaking at the right time, I have to thank my coach Mike Holmes: he is a genius. Katarina Johnson-Thompson coachgeniusholmes Change image and share on social
As a longtime practitioner of yoga and a person who's been involved in physical fitness my whole life, I can tell you, yoga helps you achieve altered states of consciousness. It is not just stretching. The only way you can say that it's stretching is if you haven't done it, or that you haven't done it rigorously for a long period of time. Joe Rogan achievealterconsciousness share on social
The snow itself is lonely or, if you prefer, self-sufficient. There is no other time when the whole world seems composed of one thing and one thing only. Joseph Wood Krutch composelonelyprefer Change image and share on social
Just scratching the surface. It's just the beginning. I'm still young. I've got a lot of time to grow. Stefon Diggs begingrowhave Change image and share on social
When there is nothing to fear is the time to begin fearing everything. Jose Bergamin beginfeartime Change image and share on social
I long for the time of no more departures. It has something to do with age, probably. Heinrich Boll agedeparturelong Change image and share on social