They had a hard time miking me in my loin cloth, I mean, where were they gonna tape it? Brendan Fraser clothgonnahard Change image and share on social
But after this natural burst of indignation, no man of sense, courage, or prudence will waste his time or his strength in retrospective reproaches or repinings. Robert Peel burstcourageindignation Change image and share on social
Clearly, unless the Lord chooses to explain Himself to us, which often He does not, His motivation and purposes are beyond the reach of mortal man. What this means in practical terms is that many of our questions - especially those that begin with the word 'why' - will have to remain unanswered for the time being. James Dobson beginchooseexplain share on social
Even youngish men can acquire wisdom as time goes by. John Bercow acquiremantime Change image and share on social
Read more. Read every time you go to bed; read in the day - because at least, reading a book, you can't be distracted by anything else. Theo James bedbookday Change image and share on social
Inflation is bringing us true democracy. For the first time in history, luxuries and necessities are selling at the same price. Robert Orben bringdemocracyhistory Change image and share on social
My manager came up with the idea of taking a Pro Tool rig out on the road to record every night and I thought it was a great idea. I felt like it would be good to record over a certain period of time and then take the best performances of that collection of recordings. It appealed to me that it wasn't going to be from just one location. Josh Turner appealcollectionfelt share on social
Raising three boys is a huge responsibility for me, especially in this day and time when I look around and there's a lack of good, strong, upstanding Christian men who are not afraid to be men and just own up to their responsibility. Josh Turner afraidboychristian share on social
When you're making an independent film what you don't have in time and money you have to make up with creativity and diligence. Matthew Lillard creativitydiligencefilm Change image and share on social
What satellites help to show us is we've actually only found a fraction of a percent of ancient settlements and sites all over the world... It's the most exciting time in history to be an archaeologist. Sarah Parcak ancientarchaeologistexcit share on social