Everything that happens is meant to be. It's meant to happen like that. But sometimes you don't know at the time that it's meant to be disaster. Tony Kaye disasterhappenmean Change image and share on social
When you see yourself on video, you and your friends spending time on vacation, and they take a video, and then you see it, it's really disturbing. Marion Cotillard disturbfriendspend Change image and share on social
By the time I came out, that kind of stopped it. The bullying stopped when I claimed myself and proved that I wasn't afraid. A lot of it was when I was hiding when I was younger. Randy Harrison afraidbullyclaim Change image and share on social
I used to love stage above all, but that was when I was a single man. As I get older, the time commitment gets harder for theatre. Seamus Dever commitmenthardlove Change image and share on social
We do things in our past that we need to do at the time. Patti Davis pastthingtime Change image and share on social
My golf score is really bad. I don't know. I'm definitely not a good golfer. Off the tee box, I can drive it about 275, and I'm in the fairway about 99% of the time. It's my next shot that needs work. Jason Aldean badboxdrive Change image and share on social
I went to see 'Phantom of the Opera' with my grandma and my mom when I was very little. The stage, the voice, the music... Composer Andrew Lloyd Webber has been a massive inspiration to me for some time - the storytelling, that deliciously somber undertone in his music. Lady Gaga andrewcomposerdeliciously share on social
I always talk with models and they always tell me how awful it was growing up being tall and skinny. Then when you're older, you're really glad. I think it's nice to have been through a terrible time and then all of a sudden be so lucky because then you appreciate it. Jerry Hall awfulgladgrow share on social
Technology magnifies differences, and it's been replacing or obviating jobs for a long time. But what happens as that case accelerates? I'm not one of these doomsayers who says, 'There will be no jobs.' Sam Altman acceleratecasedifference share on social
I'm a vegetarian, so I eat a whole bunch of avocados a lot of the time. Courtney Eaton avocadobuncheat Change image and share on social