That was the first time ever in history that anybody got Special Guest Star. I started that whole nonsense. Jonathan Harris guesthistorynonsense Change image and share on social
The first time I went to New York, I met Alan Freed. Johnny Rivers alanfreemeet Change image and share on social
While it is well enough to leave footprints on the sands of time, it is even more important to make sure they point in a commendable direction. James Branch Cabell commendabledirectionfootprint Change image and share on social
The right of every American to first-class citizenship is the most important issue of our time. Jackie Robinson americancitizenshipclass Change image and share on social
I've lived on my own since 17, and when I found I wasn't working all the time, I ended up starting a small theatre company called Red One Theatre. Joe Dinicol callcompanyend Change image and share on social
Through time you learn from your experiences. I think I've learned to deal with people a little bit better over time. That in particular has developed a little bit. Derek Jeter bitedealdevelop Change image and share on social
Every time I kill someone, he can't plant an I.E.D. You don't think twice about it. Chris Kyle killplanttime Change image and share on social
I remember watching 'Colombo' a lot with my dad. That was one of the first detective shows I remember watching. And I remember my dad turning to me - my dad loves to turn to me and explain why things are funny. He used to do that with 'Seinfeld' all the time. He did it with 'Colombo', too, set the scene. Stephanie Beatriz colombodaddetective share on social
Jason Lee made me laugh all the time because he's so big, and I love how goofy bodies can be. Selma Blair bigbodygoofy Change image and share on social
I feel when somebody has been playing cricket for a long time, he creates a separate identity for himself. Sachin Tendulkar createcricketfeel Change image and share on social