If you're going to write an anthem for an old man who's up at political bat for the last time, give him a decent song. Send him off with something that creates some chills or something. Shawn Amos anthembatchill Change image and share on social
Your body can't switch off tired. People fall asleep behind the wheel all the time. Shanola Hampton asleepbodyfall Change image and share on social
In the experience of art, time seems not to exist. Salman Rushdie artexistexperience Change image and share on social
In any authoritarian society, the possessor of power dictates, and if you try and step outside, he will come after you. This is equally true of Sovietism, of China and of Iran, and in our time it has happened a lot in Islam. The point is that it's worse when the authoritarianism is supported by something supernatural. Salman Rushdie authoritarianauthoritarianismbadly share on social
People love to interact in real time, whether it is with each other or with content. Kimbal Musk contentinteractlove Change image and share on social
I don't have an iPod. I don't get the whole iPod thing. Who has time to listen to that much music? If I had one, it would probably have Sinatra, Beatles, some '70s music, some '80s music, and that's it. Scott Baio 70s80sbeatles share on social
The first time I made myself up, I was looking at my reflection in the mirror and it wasn't me looking back. It allowed me to do things I couldn't do as myself. I found out how powerful that was and how much that can mean to an actor. Rick Baker actorallowback share on social
I'm always working. I don't really set limits. I tend to go in bursts. And in between, I'm doing my taxes, answering the phone, and all those kinds of things. I waste a lot of time. Computers take a lot of time. I love computers. Richard Dooling answerburstcomputer share on social
I consider myself an atheist. My wife is Jewish. And I'm fine with my son being raised as a Jew. He's learning Hebrew and is really into it. I will talk to my own son about my atheism when the time is right. But there's a great tradition of Jewish atheism, there are no better atheists in the world than the Jews. Paul Giamatti atheismatheistfine share on social
Believing there's no God means I can't really be forgiven except by kindness and faulty memories. That's good; it makes me want to be more thoughtful. I have to try to treat people right the first time around. Penn Jillette believefaultyforgive share on social