Heat can also be produced by the impact of imperfectly elastic bodies as well as by friction. This is the case, for instance, when we produce fire by striking flint against steel, or when an iron bar is worked for some time by powerful blows of the hammer. Hermann von Helmholtz barblowbody share on social
There comes a time when you have to stand up and be counted. Gale Sayers countstandtime Change image and share on social
There are thus great swathes of the past where understanding is more important and reputable than judgement, because the principal actors performed in line with the ideas and values of that time, not of ours. Douglas Hurd actorgreatidea share on social
I haven't watched that much TV, to be honest. To be honest, I don't watch that many films anymore - partly because I don't have time; secondly, because I watch a lot of sports, and I love watching sports. Mads Mikkelsen anymorefilmhonest share on social
I like to stay home with my family. But travel is good in a way. It makes you redefine each other each time you see each other. Also, it helps that I think my wife is the hottest woman in the world. Mads Mikkelsen familygoodhelp Change image and share on social
I think I would have a better time writing films rather than directing. Mackenzie Astin directfilmtime Change image and share on social
Instead of using new technologies to preserve for ready discovery material that might in the past never have been stored, or deleting everything as soon as possible, we can develop systems that place sensitive information beyond reach until a specified amount of time has passed or other conditions are met. Jonathan Zittrain amountconditiondelete share on social
Spend as much time as you can in silence. Look at the way the sun paints the ground gold. Carolyn Chute goldgrindpaint Change image and share on social
I don't think at that time I realized how important it was and how important it was for me to be here and carry on that legacy in our family of being a photographer. Kim Weston carryfamilyimportant Change image and share on social
Moviemaking is a time machine: narrative spliced into fragments and reassembled into a constant present, the end of a story shot before the beginning, which is shot after the middle. Steve Erickson beginconstantend Change image and share on social